I came across a Facebook post yesterday and I felt like sharing it. It clearly shows how little we know about what we sign up for when we create an account on any major social network. We share our personal information with these platforms in exchange for a better experience, right? Wrong! As the data team at Facebook points out, we actually sign away our rights to this data. And that’s just one example of how our personal data is used without our consent or knowledge.
If you’re like me, you probably had no idea that we surrendered these rights. I know that if I had known then what I know now, I never would have consented to this in the first place.
What’s the solution?
While we can’t change our past, we can certainly control and influence our future actions and behaviors… And we should. Privacy is a privilege and we need to hold on tight to this privilege.
We often hear of the dangers of big data, but do we ever stop to think about how it is impacting our everyday lives? Our personal data is used by all major social networks without our consent or knowledge. If you’re like me, then you probably had no idea that this was the case. In fact, we surrender our rights to this data when we sign up for an account. This is just one example of how our personal data is used without our consent or knowledge. The solution? While we can’t change our past, we can certainly control and influence our future actions and behaviors… And we should. Privacy is a privilege and we need to hold on tight to this privilege.
Introduce the idea of power being concentrated in one person’s hands .
The saying goes, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” I’m not sure who said this first, but it rings true in today’s society. We often hear of the dangers of big data, but do we ever stop to think about how it is impacting our everyday lives? Our personal data is used by all major social networks without our consent or knowledge. If you’re like me, then you probably had no idea that this was the case. In fact, we surrender our rights to this data when we sign up for an account. This is just one example of how our personal data is used without our consent or knowledge.
Give an example of what happens when there are no checks and balances on power
As the data team at Facebook points out, we actually sign away our rights to this data. And that’s just one example of how our personal data is used without our consent or knowledge.
Who believed power should not be concentrated in the hands of one individual?
After reading this article, it’s clear that the power being concentrated in the hands of one person is not always a good thing. This is especially true when that person is not held accountable or able to abuse their power. For example, our personal data is used by all major social networks without our consent or knowledge. If you’re like me, then you probably had no idea that this was the case. In fact, we surrender our rights to this data when we sign up for an account. This is just one example of how our personal data is used without our consent or knowledge. We need to be more vigilant about who we give our power to and make sure that they are held accountable for their actions. Otherwise, we risk losing more and more of our privacy and risking the loss of other rights we hold dear.